Fall Allergies
Although we are into October, as far as my allergies are concerned it feels like spring all over again. For about a week now, I have been sneezing uncontrollably and feeling the need to “scratch” my eyes out of my head. Itchy eyes are the number one sign of ocular allergies and can be accompanied by dryness, redness and irritation.
Over the counter or prescription anti-histamines don’t always relieve your ocular symptoms, which is why there is a prescription allergy eye drop that targets your itchy eyes and provides all day relief.
If you have been suffering with ocular allergies this fall, come in to see me and see if this eye drop could help you! Also, if you are a contact lens wearer, you may also find significant relief during allergy season by wearing a daily disposable lens, something we can also evaluate during your visit.
Happy Friday,
Dr. Bekah